Monday, May 25, 2009

5/18/2009: Last Day of Freedom

Mike is arriving from Texas tomorrow night, so this was pretty much the last night this week that I had to spend with the family. We started with a bottle of Tall Horse Pinotage 2007, which both April and I liked fine.

Sarah had fallen and forked her tongue earlier in the day, so she was a bit cranky:

April and the kids were worn out from a weekend of being sick:

The first bottle of wine was good, so we continued onto #2, a bottle of Goudini Shiraz 2006. I tried to sneak this one past April, but she realized early on that it wasn't a Pinotage. Oh well - we for sure like mild reds! I purchased this bottle at the Irene Homes fair for R30. Not too shabby!

1 comment:

  1. That picture of April sleeping with the kids is classic!
