Monday, May 4, 2009

5/4/2009: Lego, Pizza, and Wine!

Today was a fun-filled day! April and I did some exercise this morning, which took up most of the morning, then I did quite a bit of work. I took a break in the afternoon to help John put together his Indiana Jones Plane Lego set which he earned by reading 25 books! Grandma was nice enough to send the set over with Mark about six weeks ago, since we cannot find Indiana Jones Lego here in South Africa.

Neato, huh? I probably only put 10 pieces on total, and the decals. Mary and Vincent "helped" too...

April made "Tortilla Pizzas" - basically pizzas made on tortillas, baked in the oven! They are excellent - y'all should try them. It's like eating a thin crust pizza, but with about half the calories (at least half).

On the left we have a 1/4 bottle of apple juice for Sarah. In the middle, Fanta Pineapple for the rest of the kids and April (yuck!), and on the right we have Lutzville Pinotage 2007. Very excellent wine from the Northwestern Cape area (in the neighbourhood of Springbok). This is a screw-top wine that is just about a perfect balance of dry and sweet. Try some if you can find it!


  1. John already grew his teeth in! He's growing up. And Philemon doesn't look quite as slim as he did...all that good food!

  2. You should start peeling off all the labels of the wine bottles so that we can find them in the US. Well, I guess pictures will do, but the labels would be cooler.
