Tuesday, February 3, 2009

1/20/2009: Apartheid Museum and Soweto

I was able to take off work early today to give us the freedom to take my mother somewhere to site-see. Unfortunately, I still had to drive test from 6 a.m. until 9 a.m., so we got a late start. In any case, we went to the Apartheid museum and learned about the history of government in South Africa.

It was chock full of information, a bit too much for only one trip. Thankfully we will have a chance to see it again when visitors come. We also tried to see the Mandela Family Museum, but it was being renovated. However, we did pass through all the students leaving the high school where the anti-apartheid riots started in Soweto.

Pics of Soweto:

Classic quote from John, while at the Apartheid Museum, "here comes the fun part...oh, there is no fun part".

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