Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2/2/2009: Philemon?

Today April and the children did school a little differently - they had been up late the night before, so she thought that she would do all the manipulatives today. It went well and John got all the way through lesson 12 on Tucker signing. He then read two books - excellent! Lydia said that Philemon was going to be late, and he didn't show up today - hope he is alright. I had an eye appointment today to get contacts again; while there I found a book of short stories to read to the kids in lieu of watching movies. John didn't even make it through the first story before falling asleep.


  1. Wow! This is terrific! Thank you very much. Please give our hugs 'n' howdies to April and the children. We pray Philemon is safe and we rejoice in the possibility of a storybook instead of movie routine. God bless y'all...real good!

  2. Man- When are we all coming down to Loyalty Africa? Sounds like ya'll er spreading yer Texas roots along fine! Can't wait to jam out again!

  3. Hello Behnkes! I finally made it to your amazing Blog. . .how cool is this. You are so hip. . .wait, is that correct description for a techy? Thanks for sharing. . .now I know how to keep up with you. I swear, every time I want to call you I add those 8 hours and know you're still in bed. Hug the kids and hug each other! Ava still wears Mary's sparkly shoes. Yesterday Megan said, "wouldn't it be cool if all of our friends that moved away, moved back." From the mouths of babes. You are missed.

    (You had another "nibble" today. . .actually it was the second from the same fish.)

  4. The above was from "Katie" by the way. I'm a new "Blogger".

  5. We figured Katie. :)

    Hey, you can actually call our Seguin number - we have the voice over IP phone set up here so it is a local call for you! Feel free!
